Thursday, October 13, 2011

Announcing the launch of Master Key

Master Key
A 1-day unique existential learning program using Transformational Meditation
“You have many keys; so much information have you gathered. When your information works, then knowledge is attained; otherwise you are merely burdened with it. Carrying the burden of so many keys, it is necessary to ask yourself whether any of them work. Does the gate of life open with it? Do lights come in? Do I experience bliss? Have I heard the enchanting notes of divine music? Or, for that matter, do I express joy and gratitude to the Lord who has given birth to me?” ~ Osho
Retrieve the Master Key to unlock your primordial intelligence – Awareness - and create magical realities. 
Going beyond forms and exploring in a space of shared consciousness without any gyan or pravachan. Transforming in silence, in stillness, while living life the way it is; giving birth to a new you.
Rest assured, after this day you will not be the same you! 
You will also be provided with tools and techniques to help you stay with the Master Key.

A date with Awareness

The Primordial Human Intelligence

Why awareness
     War against inner terrorism
     Sin to Salvation
     Homing in
Gateways to awareness
De-mystifying meditation

Being a witness
Conscious Conversations
De-identifying with the illusion
Staying calm @ the center of cyclone
This program will be facilitated by Indroneil, your Transformational Coach.

In the last one decade of his tryst with awareness he has co-traveled with and touched live of more than a thousand individuals to help them find their Master-key of awareness.

Indroneil was born a bodhisattva.
One who is driven by compassion and unconditional love to seek enlightenment not only for himself but for every other sentient being.

“The only thing we all have come with is awareness. Actually, it’s not a thing. It’s the space in which we exist. It’s who we are. Awareness can never be explained or understood. However, it can be experienced and lived. Just like electricity. Which cannot be touched our seen. But can power up and bring to life much magical reality. You can unlock the door within with Awareness to create magical realities. Realities which can never be created through acquired knowledge or expertise. You can, with Awareness and without much effort, transform. And in doing so transform the context in which you exist. “~ Indroneil

Batch size: Not more than 12
Duration: 10 to 12 hours

For inquires please contact