Monday, September 12, 2011

Co-existence of the mystics and metrics - a path of transformational existence

This morning, while listening to Osho, I got carried into a world of 'bhava' - a transient state, short of samadhi, of inexplicable bliss. A state where I felt merged with the Existence. A state in which I felt intense love for and oneness with all sentient being around me. I kissed the hibiscus and marveled at the rhythmic movement of the crawling centipede. I felt like serving and caring for all forms of life around me - the gardner, the partner; the neighbor, the stranger; the creditors, the debtors - all alike. Like a object made of sugar I felt dispersed and dissolved in the immeasurable Infinite. Till I had to respond to the doorbell and let the domestic help in. I was brought back to the world of metrics, the maya, the measurable. And thus came back my thoughts, my words and my urge to share with you the insights I am left with.
  1.  The world of mystics and metrics  do not conflict. They co-exist. In the former I loose my form to merge with the Formless. And in the later, I return to form and yet stat connected to the Formless, the Source where I came from, to get into creation - the very reason for which I have been given a form.
  2. The form has needs and needs to sustain. I recognize those needs yet do not convert them into desire by super-imposing egoic designs of  fulfilling them. That's when the EMIs come into play. Just as in nature, every creature is content with fulfilling its need without bothering about acceptability of the means of fulfillment, so am I, with contentment ready to fulfill my needs in ways the laws of Nature allow.
  3. All means of need fulfillment - be it a job, an assignment, enablement or delivery - are play. And like all play they have their rules, beginnings and end. A creation of Maya, the metrics. I choose to be in this play, knowing it is a play and willing to follow its rules. At the end of the play, no matter I win or loose, I celebrate before I return home - back to my world of the mystics, the one which is beyond measure.
  4. In my act of creation I am a serving the Divinity, the godliness, I experience in every sentient being around me. This service is not born out of my competence but out of abundant Grace that as an instrument of the Existence I am blessed with. 
  5. The value of this service is beyond measures, beyond metrics. I therefore choose not to put any price tag to it. Any act of reciprocation, as a token of gratitude is welcome.
In the recent past I have heard some of my co-travelers, aspiring for transformation, asking me how do we strike a balance between the mystics and metrics, the Bramh and the Satya, the truth and the illusion. I hope these insights of mine will serve as guidelines.

I have also come across some who demonstrate a lot of reverence and love for me and yet are shying way from surrendering to the process of transformation. I am sure these insights will also help them see that true love and reverence in itself is transformational. Rather than demonstrate these as behaviors, they can also embrace this path of transformational existence and thereby reciprocate with gratefulness and reverence.

1 comment:

Casual Gourmet - Taste of Tradition by Puja said...

The experience of going through this lovely sharing has overwhelmed me... I am feeling like a lost child... confused and not knowing what to do and where to go.