Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Lead right, enable wise

The Leader leads himself before he imagines leading his men. Unto a realm of everlasting wealth, wisdom and well-being.

And in leading himself, the others are led. In knowing himself the others are known. In loving himself the others are loved.

He now moves from the limits of understanding to understanding of the limits and in this understanding he goes beyond; from choice making to making of the choice and in this making realizes the unique path; from holding the big picture to picturing the Big Hold and in this picturing uncovers the collective destiny.

He knows now to create from conflicts, draw passion from passivity and supervise with servitude.

He preaches not but practices, talks not but walks without shadows and makes every act of giving, profitable.

Sounds like a page from one of the self-development books? Nice to read, impossible to implement?

Far from it. In times like now, when all acquired knowledge seems to be limited, there are ways that are mystical which will lead to magical metrics. Ways that are hidden in the fog and mist of your past. 

Come to me and I will show you the way.
As a bodhisattva, I have been called upon to guide and accompany those who lead others to a new awakening.  Through Transformational Coaching and Executive Mentoring. And I live to help you lead right, enable wise.

1 comment:

raja rajendra said...

Great posting indeed. Leadership is ever lonely and ever patience testing phase of any human. When achievement goal is fixed with set timeline, we learn spirtual journey naturally...great piece